Atty. Robert John I. Donesa

Sunday, March 30, 2014

CHED Evaluates the Political Science Program of Mount Carmel College, Baler, Aurora

The Commission on Higher Education Region III Regional Quality Assurance Team in the field of Humanities, Social Sciences and Communications (RQAT) headed by Ms. Lora L. Yusi evaluated the Bachelor of Arts in Political Science program offering of Mount Carmel College, Baler, Aurora last January 29-30, 2014.

Atty. Robert John I. Donesa, member of RQAT, inspected the College vis-à-vis CHED Memorandum Order 31 s. 2011. The team inspected the College in the areas of curriculum, program administration, faculty, library, facilities and equipment, student support services, admission and retention policies, among others.

The Executive Vice President, Fr. Andres A. Lumasac, College Affairs Officer, Dr. Rowel G. Olila, the Program Dean, Mr. Mariano A. Quiñones, and the HRD officer, Ms. Ameurpina DL. Costa, accommodated the evaluators.

The RQAT strongly recommended that the College should hire a full-time professional librarian and a full-time professional Guidance Counselor. Both should have a Master’s degree in their respective fields. Other than these recommendations, the College generally complied with the requirements of the program. 

MCC Opens the A.Y. 2013-2014 with Ceremonias de Apertura Academica

The MCC Administration with the CHED Regional Director Dr. Virginia D. Akiate at the portals of the College awaiting the grand entrance of the freshmen. 

Mabalacat City College opened the Academic Year with festive Ceremonias de Apertura Academica (Apertura) on July 5, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. The Apertura is a repertoire of ceremonial activities geared at formally opening the Academic Year. It includes, among others, the Freshmen Walk, Misa Apertura, Lector Apertura and the Freshmen Night.

During the Freshmen Walk, the newly matriculated students were formally welcomed by Mayor Marino P. Morales and the whole Academic Community at the portals the Alma Mater. To open the gate, the Mayor ceremonially broke the chains which also symbolize poverty and ignorance. A freshman representative made an enquiry to formally petition for their reception to MCC community. Dr. Leonardo C. Canlas granted their admission. Then, the freshmen entered the campus with glee. The other students cheerfully met them.

Then followed the Misa Apertura. This year, the mass included the Blessing of Fire and Lumina Pandit where the faithfuls lighted candles and renewed their commitments. After the mass, a program to introduce the members of the Board of Trustees, Board of Visitors, Administration, Faculty and Staff followed. During the program, Mrs. Rowena Macapagal, ITE faculty, was recognized as this year’s awardee of the coveted Lector Magnificus Award. This award is given to any member of the Administration, Faculty or Staff who published an outstanding research relevant to their fields of expertise.

The day was capped with a Freshmen Night. The event is a grand party where freshmen from the different Institutes show off their talents. The party’s guest of honor was the dashing Brian Poe Llamansares, a young model and son of Senator Grace Poe Llamansares. He did not only mesmerize the crowd with his charm, he also impressed us with his wit and dance moves.

While each academic year at MCC opened with a Mass of the Holy Spirit, this simple celebration had evolved into a series of ceremonies. Lumina Pandit and Lector Apertura were added in 2012. This academic year, the Freshmen Walk and Freshmen Night were added and the program was repackaged as Ceremonias de Apertura Academica.

          The Ceremonias de Apertura Academica 2013 is a brainchild of Mr. Raymund John D. Vergara, Atty. Robert John I. Donesa and the MCC Supreme Student Council. Its execution was under the able direction of Mr. Eduard D. Ramos. On July 13, 2013, the Board of Trustees, through resolution 26, s. 2013, included the Apertura as one of the college's heritage activities.

MCC-IBE Holds Business Conference 2014

The Mabalacat City College Institute of Business Education (MCC-IBE) held its Business Conference 2014 at Shanghai Palace, Balibago, Angeles City. The Conference gathered together students and faculty members of the Customs Administration and Accountancy programs of the Institute.

Atty. Robert John I. Donesa, MCC-IBE business law instructor, in his opening remarks, inspired the students by sharing his personal journey to becoming a lawyer. He believed that passing any board examination entails long term preparation and it should start during the freshmen year. He challenged the students to focus and start preparing for their future careers.

          This year’s guest speakers were Dr. Albert G. Morales, CPA and Dean Leah S. Antineo, LCB. They are the distinguished personification of the Public Accountant and  Customs Broker professions. Dr. Morales is the current executive secretary of Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants – Angeles City while Dean Antineo is the current Vice President for Subic and Clark Operations of the Professional Customs Broker's Association of the Philippines Inc.

The participants. (Photo: Glenn L. Remoquillo)

Dr. Albert G. Morales, CPA presented a paper entitled “The Accounting Profession in 2016 and Beyond.”He gave a general orientation on the accounting profession and the academic preparation to becoming one. He also encouraged the students to always give their best in their studies. “Always aim to top the CPA Boards. So that if you fail to top, you will at least pass!” he emphasized.

Mrs. Leah S. Antineo, LCB, on the other hand presented a paper entitled “The Customs Brokers Profession and Code of Ethics.” Her 31 solid years of experience in the brokerage business made her a good resource for anecdotes in the practice of customs broker’s profession. She encouraged the future customs brokers to hold on to what is ethical despite the allegations of corruption that besieged the brokerage profession and the Bureau of Customs.

In general, the conference was a success. Dr. Eriberta T. Maglaqui, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, graced the conference. She was joined by Mrs. Rebecca Q. Lising, Faculty Club President and Mr. Glenn L. Remoquillo, MCC-IBE customs administration instructor. Ms. Cherry Ann N. de Ausen and Mr. Rex Q. Pabalan served as masters of ceremonies. The registered participants totaled to 145.

          Congratulations to the MCC-IBE, headed by Dean Reynaldo L. Laxamana, for a successful Business Conference 2014. 

Dean Reynaldo L. Laxamana and Mr. Glenn L. Remoquillo with guest speaker Dean Leah S. Antineo  (Photo: Glenn L. Remoquillo)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

MCC College Days Opens with Pomp

The MCC Days 2014 opens with a Holy Mass officiated by the revered Archbishop Paciano B. Aniceto.

     The thought of studying in a local college does not seem to deter the students of Mabalacat City College (MCC) from celebrating the college days with pomp. On February 5 to 8, 2014, MCC celebrated its College Days with a fabulous repertoire of competitions, pageantry and a concert. 

     On February 5, 2014, the College Days, opened with a Holy Mass officiated by no less than the Most Reverend Paciano B. Aniceto, D.D., Archbishop of San Fernando, Pampanga. During the mass, Apo Ceto, congratulated Mabalacat City and its officials for the successful conversion the town into a city - Pampanga's third. In his thanksgiving message, the elated College President, Dr. Leonardo C. Canlas, praised the members of the Administration, Faculty, Staff and Student body for upholding a culture of excellence which had become a habit in the College.

   After the mass, the recognition of the September 2013 passers of the Licensure Examinations for Teachers (LET) followed. The successful alumni, now professional teachers, enjoyed their homecoming. They stayed to cheer for their former home Institutes in the subsequent competitions.

     Mrs. Amelia Z. Macapagal, the Vice President for Student Affairs and Services formally announced the opening of the College Days. Mr. John Lymon Pacia, the Supreme Student Council External Vice President, led the pledge of Sportsmanship. Mayor Marino P. Morales formally opened the Sports Competition by leading the ceremonial ball tossing.

     The highlight of the night was the hotly contested Cheerdance Competition which literally made the crowd roared in excitement. Each highly competitive Institute representatives wowed their fans with their feisty, and no-holds-barred dances and stunts. The Institute of Business Education (IBE) ruled the night with their fabulous military-inspired nei plus ultra cheerdance. The Institute of Teacher Education (ITE) came second with their unique Avatar-inspired cheerdance. The Institute of Computing Studies came third. The chair of Board of Judges, Mr. Jun Magbalot, was so happy with the competition that he pledged additional cash prizes for all the contestants.

     Congratulations to the MCC Supreme Student Council headed by Mr. Niel P. Rigdao and advised by Mr. Raymund John D. Vergara for a successful College Days 2014.

Ms. MCC 2014, Tine Caranay, and her escort, Mr. MCC 2014 Enzo B. Policarpio

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

LET Passers from Mabalacat City College

     The January 2014 Licensure Examinations for Teachers yields  another batch of teachers coming from Mabalacat City College. The College posted passing rates higher than the national passing rate. For the Elementary Level, MCC posted a 65.38% passing rate while the national passing rate is only 28.98%. For Secondary Level, MCC posted a 33.33% passing rate while the national passing rate is only 28.41%. 
     Congratulations to MCC Alumni who passed the January 2014 Licensure Examinations for Teachers!

Elementary Level

430 Alconcel, Julie Anne Galzote
3831 Dizon, Danica Hipolito
4809 Garcia, Jenny Marie Estardo
5174 Gundayao, Jennifer Garcia
5671 Jimenez, Sherlyn Lopez
6296 Lozano, Jezelle Camille Rivera
6769 Manese, Irish Lusterio
7555 Narciso, Erika Janine Garcia
7698 Nucum, Angelie Marie Cruz
7743 Ocampo, Joyce Ann Sibal
8196 Pangan, Justine Co
8292 Pare, Darwin Jay Tayag
8293 Pare, Paul John Gomez
9983 Socrates, Maica Davis
10426 Tiamzon, Joven Valencia
10523 Tongol, Princess Karla de Guzman
10633 Tungol, Marie Joy Nicolas

Secondary Level

1324 Balagtas, Albert Caligagan
2875 Castro, Jocelyn Manapat
9167 Pineda, Menzi Gomez
11855 Viray, Al Kevin Canlas
11756 Villanueva, Arvin Gania

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Archbishop Aniceto Ordains Rev. Fr. Romer O. Tubu Priest

Fr. Romer prostrated  before the altar as the prayers of the Litany invoke the intercession of all the Saints to send down the Holy Spirit upon him.  (Photo credit: Ms. Irene Christy M. Bacolod)
     On February 27, 2014, 2:30 p.m., Most Reverend Paciano B. Aniceto, D.D., Archbishop of San Fernando, Pampanga ordained Rev. Fr. Romer O. Tubu as a new priest at Sto. Tomas Parish Church, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga. The Mass of Ordination was witnessed by the joyous faithfuls of Sto. Tomas, Pampanga who waited for 47 years for their parish to produce another priest. Fr. Romer's family, co-priests, friends, former teachers and classmates, and well-wishers from all over Pampanga also came to witness the event.

     Emotions flow when the parents of Fr. Romer assisted him as he changed his garment from that of a deacon to a full-pledged priest. In his speech, he inspired the crowd by a narration of his journey as a young boy who was always assigned as the keeper of keys since his elementary years. Now, he is a shepherd of souls. Before his ordination, Fr, Tubu served as the secretary to the Archbishop of San Fernando, Pampanga, Most Reverend Paciano B. Aniceto, D.D.. He will celebrate his first thanksgiving mass on March 1, 2014, 7:00 am at his home parish, Sto. Tomas Parish Church, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga.

     Well-wishers from Mabalacat City College (MCC) attended the Mass of Ordination. They are Raymund John D. Vergara, Franz Lawrence C. Senapilo, Eduard D. Ramos, Robert John I. Donesa, Romeo Ligutan, Jr. and Irene Christy M. Bacolod. Fr. Tubu, at one time, attended an MCC College Days mass with the Archbishop.

The most moving part was when Fr. Romer removed his deacon's stole and was presented with a priestly stole and chasuble. His mother sobbed in his embrace. (Photo: Ms. Irene Christy M. Bacolod)

Well-wishers from Mabalacat City College. (Photo: Ms. Irene Christy M. Bacolod)

Fr. Romer at Mabalacat City College. One of his last days as a deacon. (Photo: Mr. Michael T. Villanueva)